
A Joint Action Plan for Lake Erie

Sep 2015 | Library, Water Quality

The Lake Erie Nutrient Targets (LENT) Working Group was formed as a result of a 2014 Great Lakes Commission Lake Erie Water Pollution resolution. That resolution committed the Lake Erie states and the province of Ontario to form a working group to develop new and refine existing practices, programs and policies to achieve pollutant reduction targets and/or identify additional remedies to improve water quality in Lake Erie. The LENT Working Group released a Joint Action Plan for Lake Erie in September, 2015.

Published September 2015  |  A Joint Action Plan for Lake Erie – Download PDF

Additional information

Formed in December 2014, the LENT Working Group is comprised of representatives from Ontario and the U.S. states that directly border Lake Erie (Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania). These states and the province have responsibilities and provide leadership for water quality and rural nonpoint/agriculture conservation programs.

The LENT Working Group is charged with identifying programs, policies, and practices that can be enhanced, modified, or augmented to achieve nutrient reduction targets to improve water quality in Lake Erie. The Joint Action Plan for Lake Erie complements and provides additional detail to the Western Lake Erie Collaborative Agreement signed by the western basin governors of Michigan and Ohio and the premier of Ontario on June 13, 2015. The LENT Joint Action Plan will contribute to achieving Lake Erie Objectives set forth in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Annex 4 (Nutrients), including the Lake Erie nutrient targets, which are to be set by 2016 and the development of Domestic Action Plans to be released in 2018. The targets, timetables and actions in the LENT Joint Action Plan are intended to drive actions that states and the province can advance in the near term.