Michigan Volunteer River,
Stream and Creek Cleanup Program

2019 Grant Application Information

Application Deadline: 5:00 PM, EST on February 11, 2019


Michigan’s Volunteer River, Stream and Creek Cleanup Program (VRSCCP) provides small grants to local units of government to help implement the cleanup and improvement of the waters of Michigan’s rivers, streams, and creeks. Local units of government may partner with nonprofit organizations or other volunteer groups to carry out the cleanups.

A total of $25,000 is available under the program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. Funding is provided by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) through fees collected from the sale of the state’s water quality protection license plates (Public Act 74 of 2000). Application instructions are found below.

Applications will be reviewed and assessed by the Great Lakes Commission (GLC) and DEQ staff, with final decisions anticipated in late April or early May. The GLC is administering the VRSCCP on behalf of the DEQ.

Application Instructions

1. Download and carefully read the instructions provided in the Grant Application Package, Appendix A, and Appendix B. A Sample Grant Application is also being provided as an additional resource for grant applicants. If you have questions about these instructions, please contact Laura Kaminski at the GLC at [email protected], 734-971-9135 (ext. 6074).

2. Download the Grant Application Narrative Template (includes project description, work plan, timetable, and budget information form).

3. Complete the template and save the file on your computer as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. You will be prompted to upload your application file within the Web Application Form, below.

If you are able to create a single combined PDF or MS Word file containing your completed Grant Application Narrative and your other required supporting documents, prepare this file now. The combined file cannot be larger than 10 MB in size.

If you are unable to create a single combined file, you should upload and submit only the completed Grant Application Narrative file via the online form, and then email, mail, or hand deliver the remaining supporting documents to the GLC Contact Person (Laura Kaminski).

4. Complete the Web Application Form below. Instructions for completing this form are provided in the Grant Application Package.

5. Submit your required supporting documents to the GLC Contact Person (if not included in your uploaded file). It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure that all application and supporting documents have been received by the GLC prior to the application deadline. Late applications or applications submitted with incomplete supporting documentation as described within the Grant Application Package will not be considered for funding.

If you have trouble uploading your proposal or completing the Web Application Form, please contact Laura Kaminski at the GLC at [email protected], 734-971-9135 (ext. 6074).

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