About the Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz

Boaters and other recreators learn about the risks of spreading aquatic invasive species (AIS) at public and private boating access sites across the Great Lakes region every summer. The Great Lakes AIS “Landing Blitz” events take place over a two-week period, emphasizing the need to Clean, Drain, Dry boats whenever they come out of the water, and Dispose of any unwanted bait in the trash.

Local volunteers partner with state and provincial agencies to deliver consistent messaging about preventing the introduction and spread of AIS from the movement of watercraft and equipment between water bodies. Information on these events, including educational materials, locations and volunteer opportunities are posted on this page as they become available.

The Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz is a multi-agency partnership effort. Check back soon for dates of the upcoming 2025 event. Fact sheets on the 2023 grant recipients and 2023 basin-wide events are now available!


Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2024 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events!

Become a partner/volunteer

If you are interested in assisting or participating with a landing blitz event near you, please use the contact links below for your state or province:

Landing Blitz Small Grant Awards and Events 

In 2022, the first year of this subaward program, the GLC awarded small subawards to local tribal and state partners to host their own Landing Blitz events. Here we have highlighted the great work of our  grant awardees and how the project team expanded outreach messaging by utilizing geofencing.

Past events

Click the links below to learn more about previous Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events!

2023 Events

Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2023 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events! This map only shows locations of in-person Landing Blitz events – many of our partners also hosted virtual events throughout the same time period. Check out and download our 2023 event fact sheet for information about the full scope of 2023 events, and our 2023 grant awardee fact sheet for information about our small grants program!

2023 Events

Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2023 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events! This map only shows locations of in-person Landing Blitz events – many of our partners also hosted virtual events throughout the same time period. Check out and download our 2023 event fact sheet for information about the full scope of 2023 events, and our 2023 grant awardee fact sheet for information about our small grants program!

2022 Events

Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2022 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events! This map only shows locations of in-person Landing Blitz events – many of our partners also hosted virtual events throughout the same time period. Check out and download our 2022 event fact sheet for information about the full scope of 2022 events, and our 2022 awardee fact sheet for information about our small grants program!

2022 Events

Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2022 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events! This map only shows locations of in-person Landing Blitz events – many of our partners also hosted virtual events throughout the same time period. Check out and download our 2022 event fact sheet for information about the full scope of 2022 events, and our 2022 awardee fact sheet for information about our small grants program!

2021 Events

Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2021 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events! This map only shows locations of in-person Landing Blitz events – many of our partners also hosted virtual events throughout the same time period. Check out and download our event fact sheet for information about the full scope of 2021 events!

2021 Events

Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2021 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events! This map only shows locations of in-person Landing Blitz events – many of our partners also hosted virtual events throughout the same time period. Check out and download our event fact sheet for information about the full scope of 2021 events!

2020 Events

Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2020 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events! This map only shows locations of in-person Landing Blitz events – many of our partners also hosted virtual events throughout the same time period. Check out our social media story map, below, for more information about our virtual events, and download our event fact sheet for information about the full scope of 2020 events!

2020 Events

Click the icons on the map below to learn more about the 2020 Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz events! This map only shows locations of in-person Landing Blitz events – many of our partners also hosted virtual events throughout the same time period. Check out our social media story map, above, for more information about our virtual events, and download our event fact sheet for information about the full scope of 2020 events!

2019 Events

In 2019, the two week Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz event brought together hundreds of partners to support education efforts and watercraft inspections to reduce the risk of moving AIS between water bodies.​ Click through the tabs below to learn more about the 2019 event, and check out our fact sheet for even more information about the regional impact of this event!

2019 Events

In 2019, the two week Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz event brought together hundreds of partners to support education efforts and watercraft inspections to reduce the risk of moving AIS between water bodies.​ Click through the tabs below to learn more about the 2019 event, and check out our fact sheet for even more information about the regional impact of this event!

Learn how to prevent AIS

Clean. Drain.Dry.

Click image to enlarge

CLEAN off visible aquatic plants, animals, and mud from all equipment before leaving water access

  • Rinse equipment and boat hulls (with high pressure, hot water when possible)
  • Rinse interior compartments of boats with low pressure, hot water (120°F)
  • Flush motor with hot water (120°F) for 2 minutes (or according to owner’s manual)

DRAIN motor, bilge, livewell, and other water containing devices before leaving water access.

DRY everything for at least five days OR wipe with a towel before reuse.

For ANGLERS, the additional step of DISPOSE is recommended:

DISPOSE of unwanted bait, worms, and fish parts in the trash. When keeping live bait, drain bait container and replace with spring or dechlorinated tap water. Never dump live fish or other organisms from one water body into another.

See detailed guidance for specific recreational activities

Each state and province has laws and regulations related to invasive species. Please be aware of state/provincial and local laws when taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species. Links in the “Partners” section below will take you to agency websites with information about relevant laws and regulations.

Media information

Event Press Releases – 2022

List of Partner Agencies and Organizations (PDF, by location) – last updated June 23, 2020

Contacts (PDF, by location) – last updated June 8, 2020

Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes: General Reference Facts and Figures (PDF)

2022 Event Summary Fact Sheet (PDF)

2022 Small Grant Recipients Fact Sheet (PDF)

 Still Images

Boater removing plants from equipment after leaving the water. Credit: Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant

Previous survey and outreach efforts at Illinois boat launch. Credit: Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant

Boat decontamination at Adirondack Welcome Center. Credit: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

NYS watercraft inspection steward in action. Credit: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Ohio Sea Grant and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources are participating in the Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz by hosting virtual education events on ways you can help prevent the spread of invasive species in Ohio – such as by practicing the Clean, Drain, Dry method when leaving a boat ramp. Credit: Sarah Orlando, Ohio Sea Grant

Paddle with aquatic plants attached. Credit: Cleveland Metroparks

Educating boaters about aquatic invasive species prevention. Credit: Wisconsin Sea Grant

Video B-roll

Boat being cleaned to remove aquatic invasive species. Credit: Wisconsin Sea Grant

Removing a boat drain plug. Credit: Ohio Department of Natural Resources Communications (Dropbox file)

Boat propeller with aquatic plants attached. Credit: Ohio Department of Natural Resources Communications (Dropbox file)

Campaign Logos

Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!  •  Be a Hero Transport Zero  •  Clean Drain Dry