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Great Lakes Daily News, formerly GLIN Daily News, is a collection of news articles of interest to the Great Lakes community, curated daily by Great Lakes Commission staff. This valuable service provides a selection of recent coverage of Great Lakes issues from professional media outlets in the United States and Canada. Subscribers receive a daily email digest, making it easy and convenient to keep up with important regional news. Sign up now to get Great Lakes Daily News in your inbox!

All views and opinions presented are solely those of the author or attributed source, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Great Lakes Commission or its member states and provinces.

Latest Daily News

Marbled crayfish raises eyebrows, and concerns

Last winter, the ponds in the park where marbled crayfish – a Great Lakes invasive species – were first discovered in Ontario were drained in hopes that the crayfish would freeze to death. But that didn’t happen, likely thanks to the unseasonably warm weather and their burrowing ability. Now the Invading Species Awareness Program of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters has launched a regional sweep from Ottawa to Windsor. Read the full story by Great Lakes Now.

Kenosha Sportfishing and Conservation Association receives thousands of chinook salmon to be released into Lake Michigan

The Kenosha Sportfishing and Conservation Association has received 40,000 chinook salmon from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to eventually be released into Lake Michigan. Before the chinook salmon arrived, the association made several changes to its salmon rearing pond in hopes of having more fish survive while in their care. Read the full story by Spectrum News 1.