Great Lakes Email Groups

Welcome to Great Lakes Email Groups!

The Great Lakes Commission administers Google Groups email subscription groups (listservs) focused on Great Lakes issues, including our popular GLIN-Announce and GLIN-Jobs groups. They provide an easy way to keep up-to-date on Great Lakes regional issues and events from multiple organizations and Great Lakes stakeholders.

Note: You must be logged in to a Google Account to subscribe to any Google email group below. To create a new Google Account with your existing email address, click here. (Any email address works fine, you do not need to use gmail. Simply enter your existing, preferred email address at the screen that says “Use your existing email.”)

If you would like to join a Google Group below and are having trouble, or have other questions about our email subscription groups, please contact Laura Andrews, [email protected].

Disclaimer: The views expressed in group posts are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Great Lakes Commission and its employees.

Most Popular Google Groups and GLC Newsletters

Note: You must be logged in to a Google Account to subscribe to any Google email group below. See instructions above to create a Google Account, and remain logged in before clicking the subscribe links below.

GLIN-Announce – GLIN-Announce is a forum for sharing news of interest to the Great Lakes community.  Subscribers represent a wide cross-section of Great Lakes industry experts, educators, stakeholders and interested parties.  Join this group to share and receive Great Lakes news, upcoming conference alerts, research information, and more! To subscribe, click here

GLIN-Jobs – GLIN-Jobs is a forum for sharing Great Lakes-related job postings with a targeted audience. This list especially highlights job opportunities that involve the science, management or economic development of the water and land resources of the Great Lakes basin. Join this list to share and receive these targeted job opportunities with interested job-seekers and professionals! To subscribe, click here

Great Lakes Daily News – Great Lakes Daily News is a collection of news articles of interest to the Great Lakes community, curated three times a week by Great Lakes Commission staff.  To learn more and view the latest Daily News, click here. To subscribe, click here. (Google Account not required)

Great Lakes Commission News – The Great Lakes Commission releases a quarterly newsletter and other important event information via our e-newsletter, the Advisor.  To learn more and view the latest newsletters, click here. To subscribe, click here. (Google Account not required)


Additional Public Google Groups

Please note: the Great Lakes Commission does not manage content on all of the groups below.  The views expressed in group posts are the author’s own, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Great Lakes Commission and its employees.

Note: You must be logged in to your Google Account to subscribe to an email group below. To create a Google Account with your existing email address, click here.  (You do not need to use a Gmail email address, any email address works fine.)

Birders: Birders provides a forum for those interested in birding in Michigan. It contributes importantly to the goal of culturing and maintaining interest in birding in Michigan and appreciation of Michigan’s natural wonders.

Beachnet: Beachnet is a forum that seeks to facilitate communication and networking between people interested in the improvement of recreational beach water quality in the Great Lakes basin.

European Frog-bit Collaborative: EFB-Collab is a forum for sharing information about invasive European frog-bit.

GLIN-Education: GLIN-Education is a forum for sharing Great Lakes-related educational and teaching initiatives, resources and opportunities.

HabsCollaborative: HabsCollaborative provides a forum for sharing news of interest related to harmful algal blooms in the Great Lakes region. Appropriate postings include the release of news reports, research announcements, policy issues or events regarding harmul algal blooms.  Learn more about harmful algal blooms at

InvasiveMussels: InvasiveMussels provides a forum for sharing information about invasive mussel management and control.  Learn more about invasive mussels at

MICH-RAP: MICH-RAP provides a forum for the RAP and LaMP community in Michigan to share news and information related to the Areas of Concern and Lakewide Management programs in the state of Michigan.

PAMF: The PAMF listserv is a forum for sharing information about the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework (PAMF).  Find out more about PAMF at

Phragmitesnet: The Phragmitesnet listserv is a way for the Phragmites community to stay connected. It is a forum to ask questions, share announcements, and provide Phragmites research and management related information. Find our more about the GLPC at

Sci-Vessel: The Sci-Vesel listserv list applies to those who operate, manage or use the services of Great Lakes Science Vessels. “Science Vessels” are those ships and boats used for research, monitoring, education or outreach on any scientific discipline related to the ecosystem.


For media inquiries, please contact Beth Wanamaker, [email protected].

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