
Great Lakes Commission seeks proposals to better understand impacts of GLRI agricultural conservation investments

Jan 21, 2019 | News and Announcements

Ann Arbor, Mich. – The Great Lakes Commission (GLC) is seeking proposals to undertake a socio-economic analysis of the impact of Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) funding targeted at improving water quality in the Great Lakes by reducing runoff from agricultural practices. The analysis is part of a GLC project entitled Researching the Effectiveness of Agricultural Programs (REAP) and will look at projects funded in the Lower Fox, Saginaw, Maumee, and Genesee River watersheds, which have been the focus of GLRI investments to reduce harmful runoff. The full RFP can be viewed here.

“Our project will make efforts to reduce water pollution in the Great Lakes more effective by recommending techniques that really connect with farmers and local partners,” said Victoria Pebbles, program director at the GLC. “We are looking forward to undertaking this new socio-economic analysis to build on the progress we’ve made so far,” said Dr. Robyn Wilson, REAP lead researcher from Ohio State University.

The GLRI has invested over $100 million since 2010 to reduce agricultural runoff pollution that contributes to toxic algae blooms and other problems in the Great Lakes basin. REAP is evaluating the effectiveness of GLRI investments in agriculture incentive programs using multiple indicators that track economic, social, and behavioral outcomes, including whether these investments have changed the long-term behaviors of agricultural producers.

Individual or teams of researchers with qualifying experience, including – but not limited to – sociologists, behavioral and agricultural economists, data analysts, and statisticians are invited to submit proposals. Teams may be composed from a single organization or through collaborations between multiple organizations. Applicants may have backgrounds in academia, or the public, private or nonprofit sectors. The selected applicant(s) will work closely with a team from the Great Lakes Commission, Ohio State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Between $100,000 and $150,000 will be awarded for work that will be carried out between May and December of 2019. 

The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. (EST) on Friday, March 22, 2019. Please contact Dan Gold with any questions.

The Great Lakes Commission, led by chair John Linc Stine, former commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, is an interstate compact agency established under state and U.S. federal law and dedicated to promoting a strong economy, healthy environment and high quality of life for the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region and its residents. The Commission consists of governors’ appointees, state legislators, and agency officials from its eight member states. Associate membership for Ontario and Québec was established through the signing of a “Declaration of Partnership.” The Commission maintains a formal Observer program involving U.S. and Canadian federal agencies, tribal authorities, binational agencies and other regional interests. The Commission office is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Learn more at


For media inquiries, please contact Beth Wanamaker, [email protected].

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