
GLC Federal Priorities 2017

An Agenda for Great Lakes Restoration and Economic Revitalization

Presented to the 115th Congress: March 2017  |  Download PDF

The Great Lakes form the backbone of the culture and economy of our eight-state, two-province region. Restoring, protecting and wisely managing them is an enduring, bipartisan priority for the people of the Great Lakes region and their elected leaders. With nearly one-third of U.S. and Canadian economic activity centered in the Great Lakes region and 95% of our nation’s fresh surface water, bolstering this invaluable resource is a wise strategy that benefits our nation as a whole.

The investments we are making in the Great Lakes—whether for maritime transportation, waterfront economic development or environmental cleanup—are creating jobs, protecting public health and revitalizing struggling communities. The Great Lakes states are leading this important work in collaboration with local communities, tribes, business and industry, and conservation organizations. Representing the Great Lakes states and provinces—Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Québec and Wisconsinthe Great Lakes Commission offers these priorities to continue the progress we are making in leveraging the Great Lakes as a vital economic and environmental asset for our nation.

The Great Lakes: An Economic Engine and Environmental Treasure

A Joint Agenda for the Great Lakes Region  |  Download PDF

Restoring and protecting the Great Lakes is an enduring, bipartisan priority for the people of the Great Lakes region and their elected leaders. Our organizations present these priorities to sustain progress and maintain the Great Lakes as an economic engine and environmental treasure.

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative: Creating Jobs and Revitalizing Communities

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Fact Sheet   |   Download PDF

The Great Lakes provide the backbone for a $5 trillion regional economy. They directly generate more than 5 million jobs and $60 billion in wages annually. With strong bipartisan support and a proven record of success, the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is creating jobs and revitalizing struggling communities across the eight-state Great Lakes region.

Great Lakes Restoration At Work: Interactive Map

The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) is generating site-specific improvements for communities across the region. This interactive map showcases site-specific GLRI restoration projects funded in Fiscal Years 2010-2016.

Click here to visit the Great Lakes Restoration At Work interactive map

Great Lakes Restoration At Work: State Fact Sheets

These fact sheets feature information regarding Great Lakes Restoration Initiative benefits and projects specific to each of the eight states in the Great Lakes region.


For questions or media inquiries, please contact Beth Wanamaker, [email protected].

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