
GLC Federal Priorities 2020

Great Lakes 2020: A Vision for a Healthy and Resilient Great Lakes Basin

Presented to the 116th U.S. Congress: March 2020  |  Download PDF   The Great Lakes are the economic, ecological and cultural backbone of our eight-state, two-province region. With nearly one-third of U.S. and Canadian economic activity centered around the Great Lakes and 95 percent of our nation’s fresh surface water, the Great Lakes are a natural treasure and a vital economic asset. Restoring, protecting and wisely managing them is an enduring, bipartisan priority for our nation and for the people of the Great Lakes region and their elected leaders. The priorities in this document outline specific investments that will strengthen our nation, create jobs, protect public health and revitalize communities.

Shared Priorities for Sustaining the Great Lakes Basin: Restoration, Revitalization and Resilience

A Joint Agenda for the Great Lakes Region: March 2020  |  Download PDF Restoring and protecting the Great Lakes is an enduring, bipartisan priority for the nation and for Great Lakes Basin communities. Our organizations support these priorities to sustain progress, build resilience and maintain the Great Lakes as an environmental treasure, innovation hub and economic engine. 


For questions or media inquiries, please contact Beth Wanamaker, [email protected].

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