
Projects Sought to Address Persistent Toxic Substance Deposition to the Great Lakes

Oct 25, 2007 | News and Announcements

Pre-Proposals Due November 19th, 2007

Application materials at

The Great Lakes Commission (GLC) requests project proposals under its Great Lakes Air Deposition (GLAD) program. The purpose of the GLAD program is to safeguard the environment and human health from the adverse effects of atmospherically deposited toxic contaminants in the Great Lakes region. This program supports scientific investigation and the development of assessment tools to identifying the magnitude, sources and impacts of toxic contaminant deposition within the region and to facilitate concerted and strategic actions to mitigate such impacts.

Proposals should focus on contaminants of concern for atmospheric deposition in the Great Lakes region and should demonstrate a likelihood that the contaminant(s) being examined are depositing to the region’s waterways from the atmosphere in a quantity that may cause adverse impacts to humans or wildlife. Proposals must describe tangible benefits delivered to the Great Lakes states and how projects will assist the state agencies and their partners in taking informed actions toward assessing and reducing the occurrence and impact of atmospheric deposition of toxic substances.

The 2008 RFP identifies priority project areas that are specifically targeted to be addressed in the upcoming year:

  • A historic record of “emerging” and “emerged” chemicals in sediment cores
  • Demonstrate the influence of remaining local, continental and controllable sources
  • Integrate previously-collected Hg data
  • International Field Year on Lake Erie 2009
  • Identify PCB sources in urban areas
  • Characterization of urban and over-water gradients
  • Characterize emissions from burning of agricultural plastics
  • Inventory emissions from residues in soil (contaminated sites)

While these areas are being targeted, it is not expected that funding will allow projects to be pursued in all these areas, nor do pre-proposals need to be limited to these identified priorities, procided they are within the larger scope of the GLAD program described in the RFP.

Download the RFP at:

Address questions to:
Jon Dettling
Great Lakes Commission
[email protected]


For media inquiries, please contact Beth Wanamaker, [email protected].

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