
Great Lakes Blue Accounting: Empowering Decisions to Realize Regional Water Values

Jan 2014 | Data and Monitoring, Library

In 2013, the Great Lakes governors and the premier of Ontario called for a comprehensive approach to monitoring Great Lakes water resources. In response, a Great Lakes Commission-led taskgroup (building on thoughtful efforts of an advisory workgroup) proposed adoption of the Great Lakes Blue Accounting Process.

The Great Lakes Blue Accounting Process is a strategy that will enable the Great Lakes community to create a consensus-based set of desired goals for Great Lakes water resources management; identify a logical set of strategic actions and process metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of the actions; determine how much and what types of data and information are necessary to support the selected process metrics; and optimize investments in regional information infrastructure.

Download PDF: Great Lakes Blue Accounting: Empowering Decisions to Realize Regional Water Values  |  Published 2014

Visit the Blue Accounting website