
Practitioners’ Views of Science Needs for the Great Lakes Coastal Ecosystem

Sep 2015 | Habitat and Coastal, Library

In 2014, the U.S. Geological Survey Great Lake Science Center (USGS-GLSC) and the USGS-Michigan Water Science Center partnered with the Great Lakes Commission (GLC) to conduct a series of four workshops with coastal practitioners and managers across the Great Lakes basin to highlight the need for, and get input on, a Great Lakes regional coastal science strategy. To this end, this report is intended to help guide USGS coastal and nearshore science priorities, but may also help guide other science agencies.

The USGS-GLSC partnership on this effort was part of a broader five-year Memorandum of Understanding between the USGS-GLSC and the GLC to enhance communications between coastal science and management communities within the Great Lakes region.

This report presents a summary and analysis of participant feedback from the four workshops held in 2014. Participant feedback included participant worksheets as well as interactive drawing sessions, individual notes and group flip chart notes from each workshop. The results are presented as a series of findings that can be used to guide USGS coastal/nearshore science priorities in support of management needs at local, state and regional scales.

Published 2015  |  For more information, please contact Victoria Pebbles, [email protected].