
An Integrated Habitat Classification and Map of the Lake Erie Basin

Nov 2007 | Data and Monitoring, Habitat and Coastal, Library

This project, funded by U.S. EPA – Great Lakes National Program Office, developed an integrated habitat classification and map for the Lake Erie basin that can be used to assist the Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP) to develop a bi-national inventory of the status and trends in the quantity and quality of fish and wildlife habitats in the basin. The integrated habitat map can be used to track improvements in habitat quantity and quality resulting from preservation, conservation, and restoration efforts and to guard against further loss or degradation from land use alterations.

The project grew out of the Lake Erie LAMP long term habitat habitat vision and strategy developed by the LAMP Technical Workgroup and the Lake Erie Millenium Network (  for long-term preservaton and restoration of ecological integrity in the Lake Erie basin.

Download final report: An Integrated Habitat Classification Map Lake Erie Basin Final- Report
Published November 2007