Internet Trade of Aquatic Invasive Species


GLDIATR Target Species

This table displays the AIS we are searching for in GLDIATR Phase III and their restrictions in each Great Lakes state and province, as well as at the federal level in the United States (“FED-US”) and Canada (“FED-CAN”). Please note that the term “Regulations apply” does not constitute a formal legal classification. It signifies that although a species has not been officially classified as injurious, certain regulatory measures are still in effect. ” * ” indicates that a restriction applies only in some circumstances.

Regulatory Information and Contacts

Jurisdiction Regulatory Information

Illinois Injurious Species List and Regulations

Aquaculture Contacts & Regulations, Fish Importation Regulations & Approved Aquatic Species List

Kevin Irons, Illinois DNR, Manager, Aquaculture and Aquatic Nuisance Species Program, [email protected]

Indiana AIS Illegal Possession Rules

Indiana Aquatic Invasive Species Information

Eric Fischer, Indiana DNR, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, [email protected]
Michigan Michigan Invasive Species Laws Plants and insects:
Mike Bryan, Michigan DARD – Pesticide & Plant Pest Management Division, [email protected]All other species:
Seth Herbst, Michigan DNR – Fisheries Division, [email protected]
Minnesota Minnesota Invasive Species Laws Kelly Pennington, Minnesota DNR, AIS Prevention Coordinator, [email protected]
New York New York Invasive Species Regulations 518-402-9405, [email protected]
Ohio Ohio Administrative Code: Chapter 1501:31-19 Wild Animal Regulations  Ohio Division of Wildlife, 1-800-WILDLIFE(945-3543), [email protected]

Ontario How Ontario Combats Invasive Species

Ontario Fishery Regulations

Natural Resources Information Centre, 1-800-667-1940, [email protected]

Pennsylvania Aquatic Invasive Species

Pennsylvania Noxious Weed List

Pennsylvania Code, Title 58 (See Chapters 63, 71, 73, 137)

Jim Grazio, Pennsylvania DEP, [email protected]
Quebec Quebec Regulation respecting aquaculture and the sale of fish Aquatic invasive animal species:
Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs, 1-877-346-6763, [email protected]Aquatic invasive plant species:
Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, 1-800-561-1616, [email protected]
Wisconsin Wisconsin Invasive Species Rule (NR 40) Dreux Watermolen, Wisconsin DNR, Science Information Services Section Chief, [email protected]
United States

Noxious Weed List: 7 U.S.C. 2801 et seq

Lacey Act Injurious Wildlife: 50 C.F.R. §16.1 et seq

Canada Canada Aquatic Invasive Species Regulations (SOR/2015-121)  


Report an Invasive Species

If you would like to report the presence of an invasive species, please contact your local official (contact information below) or submit a sighting to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey through their online reporting tool.

Other Resources