Approaches for Improving Great Lakes Water Infrastructure: A Blueprint

About Approaches for Improving Great Lakes Water Infrastructure: A Blueprint

The Great Lakes Commission is working with diverse partners and stakeholders to identify approaches for improving water infrastructure in the Great Lakes region. The Regional Working Group on Water Infrastructure is building a common understanding of priority areas to be addressed, identifying opportunities to take action, and seeking feedback from the Great Lakes community on additional approaches and stories of successful efforts.

Questions considered by the Regional Working Group include: Who must participate to reflect needs and information representative of the Great Lakes basin’s residents? What are the shared challenges, and what steps can help address them? How do we assure that approaches are equitable and further strengthen the region’s resiliency to a changing climate?

The Regional Working Group on Water Infrastructure developed a common understanding of water infrastructure problems and outlined approaches to the set the stage for progress. At the Great Lakes Commission’s Annual Meeting in October 2022, Commissioners approved the Working Group’s document, “Approaches for Improving Great Lakes Water Infrastructure: A Blueprint,” with the goal of propelling actions to address the region’s water infrastructure needs.

To share how the Great Lakes community has put blueprint approaches into action, the Great Lakes Commission is collecting “implementation tactics” from utilities, state agencies, and other organizations. A dynamic map displays a description of each tactic, a point of contact, and a link to more information to provide examples of success stories for other stakeholders to follow. Reach out to Program Specialist James Polidori ([email protected]) to share how your organization is implementing blueprint approaches to advance water infrastructure improvements across the region.

Webinar Recordings

Webinar series: Approaches for Advancing Great Lakes Water Infrastructure Improvements


Funding for this project is provided by the Joyce Foundation.

For More Information

Nicole Zacharda
Program Manager
[email protected]

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