HABs Collaborative

Linking Science and Management to Reduce Harmful Algal Blooms

For More Information

Nicole Zacharda
Program Manager
Great Lakes Commission
[email protected]


The State of HAB Monitoring Series

In the fall of 2024 the HABs Collaborative partnered with the Cleveland Water Alliance to host a series of interactive panel discussions that engage cross-sector experts in an exploration of approaches to collecting, managing, and leveraging data related to HABs. Information and registration information on upcoming webinars in the series can be found here

A recording of the first webinar can be found here.

Quagga Mussel Food Choice at the HAB Buffet

On July 24, 2024 the HABs Collaborative partnered with the Invasive Mussel Collaborative to host a webinar on the impact of quagga mussel food choice on harmful algal bloom composition. The webinar featured presentations from Anna Boegehold, CIGLR and Vincent Denef, University of Michigan.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.

HABs Mitigation and Treatment

On March 28, April 25, and May 30, 2024, the Great Lakes HABs Collaborative hosted a webinar series focused on HABs mitigation and treatment. Speaker topics included cutting-edge research and technology on harmful algal bloom interception, treatment, and adaptive management. Recordings of each of the three webinars in the series are available below:

  • Harmful Algal Blooms Preventative Treatment & Adaptive Management [Recording link]
  • Harmful Algal Bloom Interception, Treatment And Transformation System – HABITATS [Recording link]
  • Advancing Harmful Algal Bloom Treatment with Microbiology [Recording link]

HABs Formation: Beyond Nutrients and Temperature

On January 11 and January 18, 2024, the Great Lakes HABs Collaborative hosted a webinar series focused on factors associated with HABs formation beyond the paradigm of high temperatures and high nutrient inputs. Speaker topics included disturbance ecology, community ecology, and microbial ecology as well as HABs in cold and oligotrophic lakes.

A recording of the first webinar session can be found here and a recording of the second webinar session can be found here.

The webinar featured presentations by:

• Dr. Andrew Bramburger, Research Scientist, Environment and Climate Change Canada
• Dr. Cody Sheik, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Duluth
• Dr. Elena Litchman, Senior Staff Scientist, Department of Global Ecology, Carnegie Institute for Science (slides found here)

• Dr. Gregory Dick, Professor, University of Michigan and Director, Cooperative Institute of Great Lakes Research (slides found here)
• Dr. Kaitlin Reinl, Research Coordinator, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve (slides found here)
• Dr. Rebecca Gorney, Physical Scientist, USGS New York Water Science Center (slides found here)

HABs Hazard Response and Communications

On May 2, 2023, the Great Lakes HABs Collaborative hosted a webinar focused on the process of local HABs testing and methods to alert the public of these hazards.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.

The webinar featured presentations from:

  • Jordan Murray, Harmful Algal Bloom Program Coordinator with Wisconsin Department of Public Health Services
  • Michael Eslick, Operations Manager- Environmental Health with Public Health Muskegon County
  • Emily Awad, Water Inspector with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (slides found here)


Great Lakes HABs- A Regional Update

On December 1, 2022 the Great Lakes HABs Collaborative hosted a webinar highlighting lake-by-lake updates on HAB-related issues, projects, and research.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.

The webinar featured presentations from:

  • Gina LaLiberte, Statewide Harmful Algal Bloom Coordinator with Wisconsin DNR (slides found here)
  • Sarah Bartlett, Water Resources Specialist with NEW Water
  • Doug Pearsall, Senior Conservation Scientist with TNC-Michigan (slides found here)
  • Ruth Briland, Supervisor, Division of Surface Waters, Ohio EPA
  • Tony Prestigiacomo, Research Scientist with NYSDEC


The Role of Dreissenid Mussels in Nutrient Cycling

On January 25, 2022 the HABs Collaborative partnered with the Invasive Mussel Collaborative to host a webinar on the role of dreissenid mussels in nutrient cycling. The webinar featured presentations from Sergei Katsev, University of Minnesota-Duluth and Derek Schlea, LimnoTech.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.


Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council’s Harmful Cyanobacterial Bloom Team

On January 27, 2021 the HABs Collaborative hosted members from the Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council’s Harmful Cyanobacterial Bloom team to present on a guidance document that is currently being developed.

A copy of the presentations can be found here.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.

The webinar featured presentations from:

  • Cherri Baysinger, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council
  • Angela Shambaugh, HCB Team Leader


Lakewide Management, the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, & HABs

On Thursday March 26, 2020 the Great Lakes HABs Collaborative hosted a webinar highlighting Lakewide Management under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and lake-by-lake reports on HAB-related issues and research.

A recording of the presentations can be found here.

Slides can be accessed here.

The webinar featured presentations from:

  • Dr. Sarah Bartlett, New Water The brand of the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District
  • Luca Cargnelli, Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • Ngan Diep, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
  • Kristina Heinemann, U.S. EPA
  • Dr. Beth Hinchey-Malloy, U.S. EPA
  • Bretton Joldersma, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
  • Dr. Dave Karpovich, Saginaw Valley State University
  • Dr. Brenda Lafrancois, National Park Service
  • Elizabeth LaPlante, U.S. EPA
  • Dr. Arthur Zastepa, Environment and Climate Change Canada


Smart Watersheds for Smart Lake Management

On Friday February 28, 2020 the HABs Collaborative hosted a webinar focusing on tributary technologies leading to Smart Watersheds for Smart Lake Management. A copy of the slides is available here.

The webinar featured presentations from:

  • Max Herzog, Cleveland Water Alliance, discussing the Smart Lake Initiative.
  • Dr. Branko Kerkez, University of Michigan discussing, a real-time sensor Network in the Clinton River
  • Myles Downhour and Angela Crain, USGS discussing, USGS Use of various real-time nutrient monitors for modeling and load estimation


Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS)

On January 23, 2019 Kelli Paige, Executive Director of GLOS, presented an overview of GLOS, highlighted current work being done in Lake Erie, and shared future plans for GLOS.

Link to recording of presentation here.

Slides can be accessed here.


Current and Emerging Technology in the Great Lakes

On November 14, 2018 the HABs Collaboratory hosted the Current and Emerging Technology in the Great Lakes webinar. During this webinar, presenters highlighted technology that is currently being used and/or developed to measure water quality and harmful algal blooms in the Great Lakes.

Link to recording of presentations here.

Slides can be accessed here.

Presenters for this webinar include:

  • Tom Johengen, NOAA-GLERL
  • Ed Verhamme, LimnoTech
  • Christian Moldaenke, bbe Moldaenke
  • Adam Schroeder, University of Toledo
  • Jason Deglint, University of Waterloo


2017 Field Season Webinar

On July 24, 2017 the HABs Collaboratory hosted the 2017 Field Season Webinar. During this webinar, presenters from across the Great Lakes will discussed HABs field work they are conducting during the 2017 Field Season.

Link to recording of presentations here

Slides can be accessed here


  • Tim Davis, NOAA-GLERL
  • Mike McKay, Bowling Green State University
  • Todd Miller, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  • Brenda Moraska Lafrancois, National Park Service
  • Ngan Diep, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
  • Claire Holeton, Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
  • Justin Chaffin, The Ohio State University


Great Lakes HABs modelling webinar

On March 7, 2017 the HABs Collaboratory hosted the “Great Lakes HABs modelling webinar.” During this webinar, presenters compared models from across the Great Lakes, the first part of the presentation focused on models currently used for HABs and the second part presented other process based models that are suitable for HABs. This webinar will also highlight both what models do well and areas were additional data or scientific understanding are needed to improve model performance.

Link to recording of presentation here

Slides can be accessed here

-Ed Verhamme, LimnoTech
-Dr. Serghei Bocaniov, University of Michigan


HABs Collaboratory and Invasive Mussels Collaborative Joint Webinar

On January 24, 2017 the HABs Collaboratory and the Invasive Mussels Collaborative jointly hosted a webinar in which 3 speakers presented the latest research on the interactions between HABs and invasive mussels.

Link to recording of presentation here

-Dr. Donna Kasian, Wayne State University slides
-Dr. Henry Vanderploeg, NOAA slides
-Dr. James Larson, USGS



End of Field Season Wrap-up

On Thursday December 15, 2016, the HABs Collaboratory hosted the “End of the Field Season Wrap-up” webinar where speakers from across the Great Lakes discussed preliminary results from the 2016 field season.

Link to recording of presentation here

Slides can be accessed here

Locations and speakers:
-Western Lake Erie/Saginaw Bay – Dr. Tim Davis, NOAA
-Western Lake Erie/Saginaw Bay – Dr. Richard Stumpf, NOAA
-Sandusky Bay- Dr. George Bullerjahn, Bowling Green State University
-Green Bay- Dr. Todd Miller, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
-Apostle Islands- Dr. Brenda Moraska Lafrancois, National Park Service



HABs State of the Science Webinar Series 2016

The HABs State of the Science webinar series is brought to you by the Great Lakes HABs Collaboratory, in collaboration with Ohio Sea Grant and LimnoTech,to share on the latest research related to Harmful Algal Blooms in the Great Lakes.

(Click to register)
Date Presenters Materials
HABs: Data & Modeling Thursday June 2, 2016
1-2 pm (EDT)
  • Doug Kane, Defiance College
  • Brian Roe, Ohio State University
  • Val Klump, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
  • Isabella Bertani, University of Michigan
  • John Bratton, LimnoTech
  • Ed Verhamme, LimnoTech
HABs: Sources & Movements Thursday June 23, 2016
1-2 pm (EDT)
  • Michael McKay, Bowling Green State University
  • Kateri Salk, Michigan State University
  • Bart De Stasio, Lawrence University
  • Silvia Newell, Wright State University
  • Mark Rowe, University of Michigan
HABs & Safe Drinking Water Thursday July 7, 2016
1-2 pm (EDT)
  •  Jason Huntley, University of Toledo
  • Allison MacKay, Ohio State University
  • Dragan Isailovic, University of Toledo
  • Glenn Lipscomb, University of Toledo
  • Jen Mou, Kent State University
  • Teresa Cutright, University of Akron
HABs: Detection, Composition & Effects Tuesday, July 19, 2016
11:00 am – 12:00 pm (EDT)
  • James Larson, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Donna Kashian, Wayne State University
  • Ali Shakoor, Wayne State University
  • Carrie Givens, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Kevin Meyer, University of Michigan
HABs & Public Health Tuesday, July 26, 2016 1:00-2:00 pm (EDT)
  • Virginia Roberts, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Donna Francy, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Barbara Saltzman, University of Toledo
  • Joe Duris, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Rebecca Coleman, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
HABs: Monitoring & Forecasting Thursday, August 11, 2016 1:00-2:00 pm (EDT)
  •  Jeff Reutter, Ohio State University
  • Christine Knight, University of Michigan
  • Matthew Hoffman, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • George Bullerjahn, Bowling Green State University
  • Joe Ortiz, Kent State University
  • Donalea Dinsmore, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources
HABs: Sources & Toxicity Tuesday, August 16, 2016, 11:00 am – 12 pm (EDT)
  • Laura Johnson, Heidelberg University
  • Fasong Yuan, Cleveland State University
  • Audrey Sawyer, Ohio State University
  • Kevin Czajkowski, University of Toledo
  • Greg Boyer, State University of New York
  • Tim Davis, NOAA – Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
  • Arthur Zastepa, Environment and Climate Change Canada
HABs: Educate & Engage Thursday, September 1, 2016, 1:00-2:00 pm (EDT)
  •  Lesley D’Anglada, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Patrick Lawrence, University of Toledo
  • Justin Chaffin, Ohio State University
  • Kelly Turner, Kent State University
  • Lauren Lindemann, The Nature Conservancy

The HABs State of the Science Webinar Series consist of at least 8 one-hour webinars throughout the summer, each with different topics related to HABs. These webinars will have a speed-talk format: six to eight researchers, 5 minutes each, followed by a group discussion with all attendees.